The Home Stretch

Four games in four days is what we have left in our baseball season.  We ahve already qualified for the state tournament but we are still in contention for a home game.  We win three or four we should get one.  This stretch will tell us a lot about our team.  If we can play well I think we should be able to make some noise (pun intended) in the states.  These four games could tax our pitchers but it will also test them in big time games.  The 1st three games are all against other state tourney qualified teams.  I am really looking forward to see how these guys respond.

Keeping with the baseball theme, I was able to catch our 1st Red Sox game of the season Saturday.  We had standing room seats up in the Bud Deck above rightfield.  What a great spot.  We were able to get a spot right on the railing so we had a great view.    What’s great about this spot is the bar right behind you (except only beer they had was Bud, whoda thunk?)  and full food service.  So you have to stand for the whole game, who cares about that though.  It was a great night, until about the 8th inning when the Sox decided to play like a JV team.  Overall, it was a great couple days in Boston. 

Before the game, we ate at Boston Beer Works.  On game days they offer communal seating.  If you are a twosome and wouldn’e mind being paired up with another they offer that as a way to move people in and out faster.  I think it’s a pretty good idea.  Luckily we were paired up with a couple Sox fans from New Hampshire.  I wonder though: do they offer this during Yanks series???

So glad I was able to catch the Sox only loss the past 8 games.  Oh well, unlike everyone else in CT, I got to see the game.  Really FOX, there has to be a better way to broadcast games.  You completly screwed over half the state by chosing Mets/Yanks over the Sox.  You have to give the viewers in CT both options that’s the only answer.  Do better next time.

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